How to Lose Fat? Long term Fat loss: 5 tips to start seeing results

Scientific evidence shows that fat is really not a ‘bad guy’, as everyone think, as long as you don’t mix it with high sugar carbs. Nevertheless you want to lose it and you want to lose it fast.  Fair enough! Let me take you through some background and then straight into the tips.

What is fat?  

Fats are like carbs composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen chains. However their carbon is much longer  than those in carbs and that’s the main difference! That’s a result of what you see that don’t want to: fat on your face,  fat on your belly,  fat on your tight and all the lovely, adorable places on your body  where you want to look slim. Understanding how to achieve fat loss can help you target those areas effectively.

At the same time that long carbon chain plays a vital role in energy production because all fats contain nine calories per gram.

Fat is present in every food you eat. You can clearly see it  written down on the nutritional label of any type of food you buy. I’m sure you’ve heard that there are saturated fat and unsaturated fat. Again the difference is in the length of the carbon to carbon chain.

Saturated fats are saturated with hydrogens and have double bonds of carbon. Those types of fats are animal fats like in meat and butter, and are normally solid at room temperature.

When saturated fats are a dominant element of your diet they are the cause of increased blood levels of total cholesterol.  It builds up in your veins,  reduces the funnel for blood to flow through and as researchers show it increases risk of heart disease.

However, researchers now say that it’s not the saturated fat that solo cause of the problem. Nevertheless, it’s the mix of saturated fats with a high intake of sugar and processed carbs that is a real problem to your health and generally your body composition.

A good balance of fat intakes is when you eat a type of food that is a mix of unsaturated fats  and saturated fats. Remember, your body has this incredible ability of fixing problems within. 

Unsaturated fats are easy to point out because they typically have a liquid form at room temperature. The unsaturated fats, when chilled, change their consistency and become solidified. Examples are: 

  • olive oil 
  • peanut oil 
  • sesame oil 

Also in a food like: avocado, peanut butter, many nuts and seeds.

The essential fats,  I was mentioning earlier, one that your body can’t produce naturally but needs them to function, are  so called polyunsaturated fats. Examples:

  • soybean oil 
  • canola oil 
  • flax 
  • Tofu
  • soybeans 
  • fatty fish like salmon

You also know those key polyunsaturated fats as Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids. They’re absolutely critical for the immune system, vision, cell membrane integrity and many, many more.

An interesting fact that you should know about!

Omega-6 leads to inflammation when eating at high levels. For example if you eat too much heated vegetable oils and many box grocery items. Those can negatively impact your health especially when you don’t balance Omega-6 with Omega-3.

Omega-3 is great for your health because it acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and reduces the balance of Omega-6 overdose.

Omega 3 helps decrease blood clot formation. They also keep cells more healthy, more fluid hence promote blood vessel dilation, lowers blood pressure and can decrease instances of heart attacks.

Data from researchers shows that low Omega-3 in your body is associated with poor memory and mood disorder. 

People tend to have a very high level of Omega-6 in comparison to Omega 3 in their diet. This is definitely a problem because that ratio leads to cardiovascular diseases, cancer, inflammatory and immune disease. However, overdose of Omega-3 has a totally, completely opposite effect.

Now that you know what fat is and you have awareness of its impact not only in the visual aspect of your body but also internally, let’s move on to the next aspect of it.

How much fat should you consume?

Professionals’ opinions are quite divided when it comes to how much fat you should eat. It’s because it all depends on which fat type you eat now in your everyday diet.

I’m not planning to borrow you with statistics. The realistic recommendations are to replace solid fats with the oils when possible. And also to eat more quality fats such as nuts seeds, avocado and fish because they provide a variety of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. That is really not a ‘bad guy’. Fat makes you feel full for longer hence those types of foods will help you to reduce the total number of calories you eat per day. They are also great to reach out for when you are on a diet, trying to lose weight and struggling with feelings of hunger.

How to lose fat?

Fat is one of the energy sources and gives you the most abundance of it. It gives you energy during light to moderate activities.

What this means is that during these types of activities a muscle’s main source of energy comes from the fat tissues. Muscles also use fat that is stored within the muscles or in other words inside the muscle cells.

The amount of those cells depends on the style of exercises you do. The more you’re fit then the more fat you will use (burn).

I’ve explained more about your energy level, cells and mitochondria in the post ‘Check New Facts And Tips To Improve Your Body Energy Level And Life Now’. For more detailed information Click Here.

Fat Lost

To lose fat, your body needs to break it first. The intensity of activity you do will determine if fat will be used during any activity. Whether it’s seating or watching TV, walking, gardening, playing with kids, dancing, gym etc. And this is something that will surprise you and I’m sure you have never heard before, so let that sink in

The more intense the exercise then the less your body will use stored fat. Now read it again – yes! This is a proven fact. The more intense exercise then the less your body will burn the fat. 

In order to lose fat, it needs to be oxygenated. This process is regulated by the level of glucose you have in your blood. So if you eat a lot of carbs your glucose level will increase and will make breakdown of the body fat harder for it to use as an energy.

If you don’t exercise, you can still burn fat but you have to control the amount of carbohydrates you take and be mindful of your glucose level in the blood.

However, fat oxidation is enhanced if you train.  This is because when you exercise you increase the number of mitochondria and their density in your cells. Those cells help your body to process the fat at a higher volume. It also will help you to increase the blood flow and oxygen delivery to the exercising muscles which is then required to burn fat.

Study shows that total body muscle mass in women is higher than in men. You know that women have more fat than men in general.  But women also tend to have higher fat oxidation than men during exercise of intensity between low to moderate.

Fat Loss Tips

  1. You can lose fat by controlling your glucose intake.
  2. Avoid eating too many carbs meals high in sugar or processed food.
  3. Try to undertake low to moderate activities (it doesn’t have to be gym).
  4. Try to get longer hours of sleep every week.
  5. Add at least 2 servings of fatty fish to your diet each week or begin to take Omega-6 and Omega-3 every day.

Pro-tip: For best and fastest results combine the balanced diet (meaning every type of food in smaller quantities) with activities.

Click here to download your freebie of ‘Exercise To Burn Fat. Your Journey To Fat Loss’. You will learn what exercises increase fat loss and what’s the science behind it.

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Freeman Renderos
Freeman Renderos
13/08/2024 3:11 pm

Thanks for sharing this valuable information.

Josh Hovey
Josh Hovey
07/08/2024 10:10 am

This is one of the best articles I’ve read on this topic. Your detailed explanations and practical advice are greatly appreciated.

Reatha Hellstrom
Reatha Hellstrom
06/08/2024 8:02 am

Thanks for breaking this down step-by-step.

Santos Sponaugle
Santos Sponaugle
06/08/2024 6:39 am

Thank you for this informative and engaging article. The examples you’ve provided make it much easier to understand the concepts you’re discussing.

Herschel Mildon
Herschel Mildon
05/08/2024 8:23 pm

This post has really cleared things up for me.